

The most important question is, “how should I be?” Impactful leaders are willing to personally undergo profound and meaningful change.


A leader with presence becomes impactful by learning to see what they don’t naturally see, where their vision has been trained and where it is blocked. At Sway, we work with leaders to understand their own and their staff’s strengths and blind spots. We believe those who courageously engage in a personal coaching process are also building a better world.

Parker Palmer writes on the significance of the inner life in the external affairs of our time, “the power of authentic leadership…is found not in the external arrangements, but in the human heart.”


How We Work With You

Personal Growth + Development

We guide leaders through the process of looking at their own story and sense of self, and exploring how that influences them in the workplace.


We enable leaders to see that true power is available through empowering others. The famous composer Ben Sander noted that his work became astronomically more impactful when he asked, “What makes a group lively and engaged?” instead of, “How good am I?”


We teach leaders how to be transparent and vulnerable, and to do work that is true to their individual design and temperament.


We trust that there is enough goodness and resources for everyone in the world and the workplace. Ask yourself, “If this was our mentality, how might things be different?”


Then working with fear, we need to be warm and act with compassion to ourselves. It is the only way we will be able to see how fear dictates our actions and defuse its power. When we are Honest with our fear, we are able to see and learn how to engage with it. Innovation + Creativity + Flexibility aids us in adapting to what the world needs and is hungry for instead of trying to protect oneselve’s own life.

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What’s Included

  • Coach you and/or  your employees using a certified coaching methodology

  • Share collective ethos of your team-based coaching conversations

  • Assign homework in line with employee obstacles and goals

  • Use of personality assessments and feedback reports; Enneagram, MBTI, Hogan, EQ Assessment 

  • Give feedback

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Your Outcomes

  • Third-party expert input

  • Articulated ethos of employees

  • Recommended Action Steps for your staff

  • Articulation of where you most thrive

  • Feedback on your individual leadership style