

Everyone is involved in the construction of the world. Communally, pause and rediscover the passion for your work.


Retreats create spaces of safety and communicate, “I value you, your effort, and existence.” Creating spaces that invest in your employees shapes whether you see your staff as human beings or machines. 

Coming together as a unit communicates “family.” At Sway, we work with the Team Lead to design a retreat that suits your staff. We acknowledge the many different learning styles and adapt to the team’s needs while designing your interactive retreat. For example, we often bring a graphic recording artist on site to visually illustrate concepts and themes that emerge.


What’s Included

  • Consult Calls with Team Lead

  • Employee Survey + Data Collection 

  • Custom Retreat Design 

  • On-site Coach Facilitation

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Retreat illustration-1.png

Your Outcomes

  • Boost in Team Productivity + Retention 

  • Staff Connection + Morale

  • Mediation + Conflict Resolution  

  • Articulated Team Ethos + Vision for Future State 

  • Compiled Team Survey Results