Ready to Learn?

Ethics is a crucial part of learning and implementing the Enneagram, especially when first starting to use the tool. We've included some helpful tips on how to appropriately engage with the enneagram.  

Do use the Enneagram:

  • For individual reflection.

The individual must do their own reflection and notice the transformation they have to do for themselves before they’ll ever be able to humbly engage with others. If you’re already on this path, we applaud you! Just remember, self-awareness takes time and is a journey.

  • In safe relationships.

Never feel coerced into sharing more than you wish about your Enneagram type.

  • With purposeful language.

Opt for language that holds an expansive view of personality rather than a reductive one. Say things like “I identify with Type 5,” or “I am dominant in Type 8” versus “I am a Type 5” or “I am a Type 8.” Language shapes reality, so the more you can get in the habit of not talking like someone is merely their Enneagram type, the better off you’ll be.

  • With questions instead of answers.

Ask open-ended questions. For example, “How familiar are you with Enneagram?” “It sounds like you might be [Enneagram-related action here, e.g.]... Is that accurate?” These changes in language go a long way.

  • As one lens among many.

It’s a powerful lens, yes, but it is one of the many. We frequently pair the Enneagram with other leadership or coaching methodologies because, even though it’s our most powerful tool, it won’t necessarily tell you what you’re supposed to build—you have to decide that.

Ready to explore more? 


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Using the Enneagram for Personal Change