
Fernando Serna, M. Div., BCC

Wisdom Coach

For the past 40 years I have been engaged at the granular and macro level in the areas of spirituality, spiritual direction, education, leadership, and inter-religious dialogue. I have lived these various experiences in two broad contexts. First, as a member of a monastic community for 30 years where I served as abbot for 14 of those years. Second, after transitioning to life as a married man, I have been serving as a hospital chaplain for the last 10 years. I currently work as a chaplain at a large university hospital in Portland, Oregon (Oregon Health and Science University).

These broad experiences have shaped me and moved me deeply into spaces with others as I accompany them in their heart’s journey toward making meaning. I place myself at the service of bringing compassion and quiet presence to places of brokenness, while celebrating revelations of wisdom and vision in the lives of fellow humans.

I believe many come to Sway looking for a more fruitful way to communicate to self and others, seeking wiser ways of organizing and walking through this mystery we call life, wanting a compassionate and experienced witness to the truths of their lives. I believe I can be of assistance as a Wisdom Coach.


Jonathan Dumas, MS#Organizational Psychologist


Ryan Moyher, MA, MS, LMFT#Psychotherapist