2020 the workplace changed forever

Some lost work, some offices implemented daily sanitization procedures, and others got used to working from home in pajama pants.

What did that shift look like for you?

What did you gain from distanced work? What was lost?

Here are questions we heard come up for leaders.

We encourage you to spend time being with these questions:

2020 job change.png
  • How does personal life shape professional life (since most folks were immersed in their personal life working from home)?

  • What do company core values mean when the marketplace throws curveballs? Which values shined through? Which values proved non-existent?

  • What flaws in your management system did the pandemic illuminate that you had to address (or, are needing to address)?

  • How did overall stress affect your management-style?

After the above reflection, try spending a longer period of time sitting in the questions rather than trying to find the answer and jumping into action. 

What are other questions that you have as you step into 2021?

Our advice:

Communicate these tough tough questions with your team  and ask them to co-collaborate and wrestle with them. Consider changing your frequent staff meetings to spaces for asking questions rather than "task-meetings." This response will invite your team into a co-collaboration space, create a culture of curiosity, and shape employees that solve problems on behalf of the organization (we like to call this self-leadership). 

Welcome to the new year. We are with you as you lead your company in 2021. 


There are 7 Types of Rest


You do have enough time in a day.