There are 7 Types of Rest

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We need other types of rest to access our fullest potential in a culture is marked by high achievement and chronic burn-out.

According to Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, there are 7 types of rest:

  1. Physical Rest

    Does your body need a break? Consider: sleeping, taking naps, getting a massage, deep breathing to a point of relaxation, taking a shower or bath.

  2. Mental Rest

    Are you up thinking at 2am? Schedule short breaks every two hours throughout your work day. Set a timer for 10, even just 5 minutes, and do nothing. Close your eyes and allow thoughts to take the processing time they need.

  3. Sensory Rest

    Are your senses overwhelmed by the glow of the computer or office/home noise? Try creating productive rules around your electronics. Choose to limit your time on social media and watching TV when you can. For example, limit TV time to 4 hours a week and turn your phone to "do not disturb" everyday at 7pm. Consider deleting apps you find yourself constantly on. "Intentional moments of sensory deprivation can begin to undo the damage inflicted by the over-stimulating world".

  4. Creative Rest

    Are you struggling solving problems? To become a better brainstormer you may need to tap into the beauty of nature in your own backyard or enjoy the arts. Spend time with things that do not have a "productive" element. Do things that bring you joy and spark passion inside you.

  5. Emotional Rest

    Are you stuck in a people-pleasing pattern? This type of rest takes courage and vulnerability. Practice saying "no" to people more often, spend time in your own inner-world rather than someone else's dilemma.

  6. Social Rest

    Are you spending too much time with people that exhaust you? Similar to emotional rest, recognize this, limit (or stop) spending time with those folks and find people in your life which revive you.

  7. Spiritual Rest

    Are you lacking a feeling of belonging? It is our physiological demand as a human being to connect and have purpose in community. Consider adding prayer, meditation, or volunteering to your daily routine. Studies show that giving to others actually makes us more happy.

Identify the type of rest you need and get it. 

You will become more centered, have more energy, be productive on the projects that matter, and become a more influential leader.


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