How to not Waste Time in Meetings

How do you as a Team Lead make your team meetings more engaging? We share two small tweaks that will ensure less blank stares and more meaningful spaces.

Team meetings are about:

team meetigns.jpeg
  1. Connection

  2. Troubleshooting

  3. Clear Steps Forward

1.) First, eliminate information sharing during meetings when everyone is together and utilize technology. If it is nonsensitive information to be disseminated, make a video!

Make a recording of yourself where you share pertinent information you typically might speak on at your team meeting under "updates". In addition, this video can be used as team preparation. Let your team know what questions you will have for them at the meeting. (It is likely half your employees will need time to think through their opinions prior to being asked on the spot. You need those thoughtful, cautious thinkers! So give them space to utilize their strength prior). These are the platforms we use at Sway:

  • LOOM

  • Zoom | Record and send MP3

  • Youtube | Make a private Team Communication Channel

See our Example Below:


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