Do you have a full workload this season?

Below is one thing ðŸ˜„  you can do to organize your mind, find greater job satisfaction, and get the right tasks done.

Ready for this?

Don’t be inbox driven.


One of the best ways you can train your habits at work is by being pulled by priorities and projects, not responding to emails. In our culture, we have an obsession with "busy work" and can find a lot of temporary fulfillment from firing off slack messages and addressing other people's concerns via email before our own priorities. Doing this does not make us more productive and takes our attention away from the work that most matters. Develop a new habit of focusing on what matters most.

1.) Assess

Observe how often you check your inbox. Consider what is the very least amount you could do this while still following through with your job? When do instant messaging softwares serve you? When do they not? Note: you have more control over these norms then you may think as one individual. 

2.) Regroup

If you find that after the above assessment you are indeed distracted by your inbox, maybe you start by blocking out three times a day you check your email. By doing this you are giving one task your full focus and will respond more productively and genuinely to people the times you are checking your messages. If you’re feeling ambitious, try to get that number down to two!

Benefits of this one, simple shift:

  • Surprisingly, more follow through!

  • Innovation

  • Detailed attention and full comprehension to the projects that matter most

  • A less scattered mind

  • Higher job satisfaction


How can you inspire your staff this holiday season?