You Know Your Ennea-type? Now What?

You have a unique leadership style, which influences those around you. One of the reasons we use the Enneagram framework at Sway is it gets straight to the core of who we are as people to paint a path forward towards transformation rather than keeping us stagnant in personality. 

Below are nine ways to grow according to the nine leadership styles:

Enneagram Type 1’s

  • Examine the parts of yourself, the world, and people around you that you are trying to fix. What would it look like to release your idea of “being right?

  • ”What parts of you need to be unwound? Where in your body do you feel the emotions you carry? Consider spoiling yourself. What would that look like?

Enneagram Type 2’s

  • Examine your belief that you are not wanted. What is it like to release this part of yourself? There is an abundance in the world and it wants to envelop you.

  • Practice trusting that there is enough. What if happiness came from within and not others around you? What comes up when you look inward? Spend some time alone this season and learn to be with yourself.

Enneagram Type 3’s

  • What is your current definition of success? If you keep on this life trajectory, what will your life be like when you are 80?

  • Examine your emotions and where you find self worth. What if you released people’s perceptions of you, and found grounding in the truth of who you really are? What might “who you really are” look like?

Enneagram Type 4’s

  • Examine your longing. What feels missing in your life?

  • What if you already have everything you need for a full, vibrant life — just as your life is?

  • What would being ordinary be like for you: everyone on the same playing field, being neither inferior or superior to those around you?

Enneagram Type 5’s

  • Examine what makes you feel competent and independent. What would it look like to be helpless around those you love?

  • Practice giving people in your life more ways they can be with you. What don’t you know?

  • What would it be like if you shared these “unknowledgeable” pieces of yourself with others and were still valued?

Enneagram Type 6’s

  • Examine your habits of self-doubting. Your gut is intuitive and won’t lead you astray. What would it look like to trust yourself? Stand up tall and put your hands on your hips, like superwoman. Have your body posture reflect strength.

  • Practice being physically grounded. If you had a magic wand and anything could happen, what would that be like? How does your answer connect to feeling secure?

Enneagram Type 7’s

  • Examine the ways you mentally slip into the future on the daily. What are ways you can be present in these moments? Is there something you are escaping? Trust there is light in the present moments.

  • If you could only have one really good thing, what would it be? In embracing moderation, what is the one thing you can do to help your feelings of discontentment?

Enneagram Type 8’s

  • Examine how you withdraw when you are feeling disconnected from folks. What would it be like to take the first step toward reconnection, even if rejected?

  • What pieces of you need to be held gently? How could you invite one person into that? What about two?

Enneagram Type 9’s

  • Examine who you are. What pieces of your identity are being lost in other people? It is time to reclaim them. Slowly and surely.

  • Take small movements towards doing things you like. Where in your life do you need to wake up? What is holding you back from the adventure that awaits?


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